Volunteers & veggies...

Have I mentioned that I love my job?  Today was a fun day at work, I got to go out to the community garden and work in the garden with 5 volunteers today.  The volunteers were from Whirlpool's Young Professional Network.  Great group & they actually liked weeding! Woohoo!
Photo by D. Outwin
As much as I dislike being on the other side of the camera, my lovely wife stopped by after work & shot a couple of photos of us working in the garden.  I can't tell you how many buckets of weeds this crew pulled today, but it was a lot! We also got quite a few veggies picked too!

This is why I love my job, I get to do things like this & meet new people, pure awesomeness!


  1. Yay, Mary! Yay, Whirlpool Young Professionals! Yay, Community Garden!! Thank you for being the garden keeper for the afternoon, Mary!


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