Little Itta Bitta Baby Kitta...

This is Itta (see full pedigree stray name in the title).  Itta has been with us for quite a few years, came to us as a stray, through Animal Aid.  They thought she was feral, but really she was just socially challenged.  She has come such a long way since being with us,  at first being the first cat to disappear when someone came into the house (including us) to now wanting attention and totally being enamored with Dawn.

Anyway, she has now decided that this space on my desk is one of the places she likes to take a nap. On all the papers and wires and such. She squeezes herself into this space, trying not to disturb anything.  She even deals with the stapler being there by curling her little tail over it.

She is also the cat from this post: Cat TV

We try not to be those people who have cats, however, we do have five of them in the house and we are quite fond of them.  Itta, is the remaining female now and sometimes the boys like to pick on her, though she is getting good at letting them know she doesn't want to be messed with.

So while trying not to be those crazy cat people, expect that once in awhile I'm going to photo blog one or more of our cats, and the dog occasionally. Hey, sometimes they are the most interesting thing I've seen all day to photograph!  Besides, they are cute and furry...;-)


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