Flashback Friday

Yippee, it's Flashback Friday again!  Today, I'm going to share a photo of my maternal great-grandparents.  They were my grandfather's parents.  I really don't know much about them, except they came over from the Netherlands in 1912, along with all their 5 children.

Her name is Jennie Renes (1873-1957) and he is Henry Vanderzyden (1873-1946) It's definitely summer time when this was taken because those are hosta that are blooming. There no indication on the back of the photo when & where this was taken.  Maybe in Ohio, that's where they settled when the immigrated.

I only have 2 photos in my possession of my gr-grandparents.  And the other one is a faded color photo, from the mid 1940's.  I'm glad that I have at least these 2 so I can see what my gr-grandparents looked like.


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