
Yesterday was a busy day and by the time we got home, took care of the dogs and other things, I totally forgot to post a photo.  So today is one of those days were my loyal readers will get two for the price of one.

Today marks one month since I started doing this blog.  I have to admit that I don't much feel like taking photos today. It's really hot out and I don't feel motivated.  So you are getting my quick shot photos.

The first one is a gift from this wonderful woman, Gloria. It's a sock monkey, which she made without a pattern after seeing one just once.  Amazing.  I picked the pink one because I like it's little charm and it's curly pink hair.
Adorable, isn't it?

The second photo is of part of our hallway.  We have framed photos of family and friends on both sides.  I think a home is much warmer if there are photos of loved people and pets in & around the home.  Or maybe it's just because I like photography so much that I feel that way.  I do enjoy looking at other people's photos, especially older one, it gives me a sense of who that person is and where they came from.
So there you go - hopefully tomorrow I'll find something else to photograph and talk about!!


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