Flashback Friday or Catch up Part 2...

Yea, Flashback Friday!  I'm actually loving going through the old photos I have and picking one to share with all of you.  This one looks to be from the early 1920's, but that's just a huge guess on my part.  My maternal grandma is on the right hand side of the photo, kneeling down.  This must have been before she met my grandfather.  Behind her are Hattie & Elmer, who were cousins of my grandma (not sure if Hattie or Elmer was the cousin), they were married and had no children. 

On the far left, standing, with huge smiles on their faces are Marie & Casey, who also where related to grandma.  They too were married and had no children.  When I was a kid, I remember Marie being the 'cool' adult and I always wanted to spend time with her. 

I'm not sure who the other young adults are in this photo, grandma wrote a couple of names on the back, but didn't indicate who they are in the photo.

I love how this photo is posed, it's one of my favorites that I chose after my grandma had died and I was allowed to go through a box full of old photos, I was in heaven looking through them all.

This is such a great shot in my opinion!  And check out the bathing suits and the caps the women are wearing.  And how about the size of those inner tubes, I'm thinking they came from a 1920's car, what do you think?


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