Holy crap or how time flies when.....

I've put it out in the universe that I'm going to post a photo a day starting on my birthday, which of course is in June and is less than a week away.  What the hell was I thinking?  No biggie though, right? Right? I can do this, all the photos don't have to be fabulous I tell myself, just shoot some photos and post one a day.

It's supposed to be a documentation of my last year before I turn 50.  And it's right around the corner, you know one of those corners in downtown Chicago, where you get around the corner and nearly get knocked off your feet by the wind.

I can do this, it feels huge, looming in front of me, like a New Year's resolution that lasts maybe two weeks tops and fades away in a guilt ridden haze.

Anyway, here's a photo from my gardens today, these grow by the front window of our home and was given to us by our friends who moved away from the area.

I'm not a 'pink' person, but this rose looks really good in pink and it's been a really good bloomer for the last couple of years.  And when I see it, for some reason it makes me think of my wife, D.

Well, it's late and I need to get some rest and then start plotting how I'm going to take photos everyday for the next year and actually remember to do it every-single-day.


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