From Drag Queens to Cats...

I know, I know, everyone shoots photos of their pets.  And so do I.  This one is Barron, foster cat extraordinaire.  He's been living with us for a few years now. I don't know his history, just that he came from another foster mom that was trying to downsize from all the cats she was fostering, so we agreed to take him in.  He's an awesome cat, friend to all the other cats in the house, loves to cuddle with the others and with us.  Great jumper and climber, who loves his cat treats every morning.  And will touch you with his paw when he wants to be petted, getting more insistent with each poke.

So D calls me into the dining/kitchen area to check out Barron.  And this is what I saw:

We use these types of bags to carry groceries, stuff to & from work, so forth & so on.  Apparently I left it on the table too long because he decided that is was the perfect thing to get into and soak up the afternoon sun.  Couldn't resist the shot and after a couple of tries, got this one.  Love it!

For further information about Animal Aid, a local non-profit animal rescue (it's an awesome group of volunteers!) go here: Animal Aid of Southwest Michigan.


  1. Reminds me of my Panther girl, who waits on the other side of the rainbow. Wonderful look.

  2. Thanks Kimmer for commenting and following my blog! I appreciate it!


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