Beautiful day...

I'm tired.  But it's a good kind of tired. The kind of tired were you have a good & busy day, and fall into bed and sleep soundly.

Today we had our youth group fall kick off in a local city park.  We had a nice group of youths show up - and some new faces too! Yea!  The highlight was we had a local artist come and help teach the kids how to decorate their new tshirts, either by tie dye or spray paint. Very cool.
This is shirt that a one of the youths created.

Then, on the way home, I stopped by the neighbor's house and shot a couple of photos of his tree.  We've lived here almost 10 years and not once have I stopped and taken a photo of this tree.  It has the most awesome leaf colors around here.

Look at that color!!
And on that note, pleasant dreams!


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