Life and it's lessons...

For the last 2 1/2 days I have been attending a workshop called Understanding & Analyzing Systemic Racism.  (How I would have loved to have this as a class in college!)  I realized today that I didn't post last night, I couldn't, I was emotionally exhausted by the time I drove the over 50 miles from the workshop home.  Honestly, I cried most of the way home and then some more while Dawn let me try to explain 'why' I was crying and 'why' the workshop had affected me so.

When I started this photo blog, I was seriously contemplating turning 50 in a year. I was kind of bumming about it actually if I remember correctly.  Here it is four months later and little did I know then that I would be taking a workshop that would have this kind of effect on me.

I know that most people don't want to talk about race, maybe you think it's just out there, you like people of color and that's that. It is so much  more than that, so much more. I am still trying to process everything that was talked about in over 20 hours - that's a lot of info to process.

Today when we were done and saying our 'see you laters', I left with hope knowing that there were others like me who were going to go to their prospective jobs, families and friends and begin the work regarding racism.

I know that I personally have a lot of work to do on myself and how I see myself.  I have work to do in my community.  I have learning to do, lots and lots of learning.  But I think I can do this work, even the really hard work.  I know that I'm going to make mistakes, but I also know that I'm going to do my best and if I make a mistake, I'm going to analyze it and try to learn from it.

Just know, (because trying to condense what occurred these last couple of days into a couple of paragraphs, well, I can't do that right now) that I'm serious about this work.  And even though my birthday is some months away, this is the best gift I could have ever asked for!

Here's a photo from the end of the day - what you are looking at is a part of the wall and some of the work we did.
Want to know more or who to contact regarding this important workshop?  Send me a private message & I'll send you the info.


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