All wrapped up in one...

This post is going to be the one that catches me up, since I am one photo blog behind.  The best part? It's my blog, so I can make up the rules here! Yeah me! ;-)

Here's the first part.  Today I dropped off four of my photos, which I had matted and framed at the request of the buyer.  In turn, I received a nice little check for my art work. Huzzah!  I then drove over to my girlie's workplace and had her come outside to see the check amount for herself!!  Total happy, happy, joy, joy dance.

These are the four that went to a new 'home' today.

The second part is a project that I am working on.  It's a pretty big one for me and I have two weeks to get it done and ready.

Today, because I had sold four of my prints, I treated myself to an estate sale.  We use to go every weekend, looking for treasure, but had to cut back for the last couple of years.  Today I scored!! The estate sale was 1/2 off and I spent just under $15 for the four frames and two vintage light meters and a box of those funky looking paperclips. 

The frames are pretty old, but we are going to take them apart and clean them up as part of this project I'm working.  Stay tuned for further updates in the coming days.  In the meantime see if you can figure out why I'm working on this special project... Leave me a comment here or facebook or Google+


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