Flashback Friday...

I haven't done a Flashback Friday in quite awhile, so I had these two photos hanging around on my desk.  I scanned them and did a little cropping, but nothing else.

The first one is from when I was in elementary school.  This was probably taken at church, with the family photo going into the directory.  It's me and my brother Bruce.  I had long hair, but it was always pulled back (tight) like in the photo.  Probably why I don't like having bangs now, lol.

The next photo is from April 1974.  I was the guest book attendant at my Uncle Dan & now Aunt Marcia's wedding.  I remember having to go shopping with my mom & find a dress for the wedding.  It was the first time I ever was a part of someone's wedding, it was a huge deal for me.

Don't you just love the styles? :-)


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