Friends & Happy reunions...
Today our friends came back into town from their overseas adventure/sabbatical. I've been keeping another blog about their little dogs adventures while they were gone. You can check that out here: Adventures of Paco & Tini
This is one of the photos that I shot today:
I'm so happy that our friends are back in town, all be it for a short bit! Happy that we could help them out so that they could go on their adventure/sabbatical. While I missed our friends, the amazing thing is that they were able to keep a blog, so at the very least we knew they were okay and having an experience of a lifetime! Gotta love technology, even talking to them long distance as they were finalizing their trip back to the states, the phone call was a pretty clear connection on the cell phones!!
And this final note on today's photo blog. I have been blessed with some great dogs in my life. And I was very happy to be able to help out our dear friends by taking care of their dogs for them. But I really love a good reunion between dogs & their owners!
This is one of the photos that I shot today:
I'm so happy that our friends are back in town, all be it for a short bit! Happy that we could help them out so that they could go on their adventure/sabbatical. While I missed our friends, the amazing thing is that they were able to keep a blog, so at the very least we knew they were okay and having an experience of a lifetime! Gotta love technology, even talking to them long distance as they were finalizing their trip back to the states, the phone call was a pretty clear connection on the cell phones!!
And this final note on today's photo blog. I have been blessed with some great dogs in my life. And I was very happy to be able to help out our dear friends by taking care of their dogs for them. But I really love a good reunion between dogs & their owners!
We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults. Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment. ~George Eliot
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