Beauty & Decay...

Where we live, there are a lot of abandoned buildings, business, homes and everything in between.  D & I talk about photographing it all the time, so the other day we stopped at one of the buildings and I shot a couple of photos.  The back of the building is actually more decayed than the front and walking around these buildings always gives me a weird feeling, especially if there are open doors and such, maybe I've watched too many shows with people jumping out from dark doorways.
I'm always amazed at how nature begins to grow in the rubble and begins to reclaim the building.  There were vines and little 'weed' trees growing everywhere.

 Check out how the vines are growing all over the walls.  It's early spring here, so it still is pretty bare, but I should go back once everything starts to green up and see how this wall looks then.


  1. Those turned out lovely. Great Job darlin' :)


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